
Blondes have more fun.
Gentlemen prefer blondes.
If I have only one life to live, why not live it as a blonde?

'bout me

Fotografia mea
She's tough. She tries to hide it. She's difficult. But if you make the effort, she's worth it. She's worth the effort

sâmbătă, 19 septembrie 2009



S-apleacã primãvara pe feresti,
cu pãrul tot numai zulufi de soare,
asa cum stai în umbrã si zâmbesti,
o fi crezut cã gura ta-i o floare.

Simti rãsuflarea ei cu iz de ploi
si iarbã crudã scânteind sub coasã?
Sã nu te misti. Poate cã intrã-n casã.
Vom prinde-o, sã rãmânã printre noi.

Ba nu, cã - cine stie - esti în stare
mai mult decât pe mine s-o iubesti;
si-apoi îmi face rãu atâta soare.
Fii bun si lasã storul la feresti.

În anul 1937, ziarul Lumea (din 13 decembrie) va fi prima publicaţie în care se remarcă talentul poetei, „descoperire preţioasă a însemnărilor ieşene. în 26 decembrie, acelaşi ziar anunţa „un nou talent în plină ascensiune, acel al d'rei M. I. (Magda Isanos), poetă a preocupărilor transcedentale, minunat redate in versuri, versuri de o temeritate care depăşeşte feminismul”.

sâmbătă, 5 septembrie 2009


33 random things about me.

1.When I make a mistake, I am harder on myself than anyone ever will be
2.I have a very good memory.
3.I change my desktop wallpaper almost daily;
4.When people ask me how do I stay so thin, it seems like common sense that the answer is because I do the opposite of what people do who become fat.
5.I worry way, way too much about things. It is my worst quality. I hate it.
6.I love kids
7.I’m a huge Jazz fan
8.I really wish I could play the guitar.
9.Every morning I decide that tonight I'll get to bed early. I never do.
10. One of my all-time favorite books is „Narcis si Gura de Aur”
11. You don't have to ask me for my opinion more than once, and sometimes, less than once.
12. Call it discussion, arguing, whatever you like, I enjoy intellectual sparring.
13. I like to break unimportant rules
14. Some people think I’m funny.
15. I love to help people.
16. I love dogs.I hate cats.
17. My family is my first priority.
18. I am not very patient.
19. Stupid people drive me crazy.
20. I am not a morning person.
21. I tend to repeat myself.
22. I make wishes when I blow out the candles.
23. I often say things without thinking.
24. Some days I don’t believe in anything... Some days I believe anything is possible.
25. I’m as charming as you think I am.
26. I’m not who you think I am.
27. I'm only super silly around people I trust.
28. i LOVE beer (Carlsberg .my fav <3 )
29. I never find enough time to do all I want to do.
30. I really love people, but I also need lots of alone time.
31. I often cry at movies
32. I can be brutally honest, so don’t ask me if you don’t want to know the truth
33. I always fall in love with the wrong guy
