
Blondes have more fun.
Gentlemen prefer blondes.
If I have only one life to live, why not live it as a blonde?

'bout me

Fotografia mea
She's tough. She tries to hide it. She's difficult. But if you make the effort, she's worth it. She's worth the effort

luni, 18 ianuarie 2010

duminică, 17 ianuarie 2010


Mac: Look, in my opinion, the best thing you can do is find a person who loves you for exactly what you are. Good mood, bad mood, ugly, pretty, handsome, what have you, the right person is still going to think the sun shines out your ass. That's the kind of person that's worth sticking with.

Juno: Yeah. And I think I've found that person.

Mac: Yeah sure you have - your old D-A-D! You know I'll always be there to love you and support you no matter what kind of pickle you're in... Obviously.


marți, 5 ianuarie 2010

No letters...

Mi-e dor de scrisori ! mi-e dor să le scriu, mi-e dor să cumpăr timbre, mi-e dor să le trimit. Sau să aştept nerăbdătoare răspunsul. Cu Amalia vorbeam bineînţeles, şi ţin minte că ne plângeam mereu că de-am avea telefon, n-ar fi nevoie să facem atâtea *eforturi* Ce n-aş da acum, să ne mai găsim timp să scriem scrisori !
Ştiţi ceva ? Schimb telefon Sony Ericsson W810i pe timp, plic şi timbru !
e cineva interesat?

